Thursday, November 15, 2012

Facebook Like / Share Scam

Not a day goes by that I don’t login to see one of these posts. And they always seem to have a gazillion (no exaggeration) likes, comments or shares.

Nearly 5000 people figured this would work. [see left]

5000 people figured typing a word into the comment field would make ‘something’ happen.

Hint: Nothing happened.These posts infuriate me.

And it’s not just the fact they are polluting my newsfeed with rubbish and distracting me from the stuff I wanna see, like my friends sharing their thoughts on TV shows, photos of food or jokes they’ve stolen from Reddit. It’s the unashamed use of terrible circumstances like cancer, or sick kids or horrific accidents that these pages usually use to get clicks that really pisses me off.

But why do these pages exist? What are the benefits of posting a picture with a quote like ‘Like if you hate cancer, ignore if you don’t’?

To get to a proper answer to that question, you have to get a little nerdy. It’s all about the Facebook Like algorithm. The secret formula that makes activities such as sharing, commenting and liking a post such a valuable commodity.

The Facebook Like algorithm is Facebook’s way of dictating if content is of any value to users. The more likes/shares/comments it gets, the more exposure to certain people it, and the profile it belongs to, will get both short term and long term.

All these metrics contribute to a users ‘edge rank’ – the score your profile is given that dictates how your page interacts with other profiles on Facebook. The greater a page/profiles edge rank is, the more it will be exposed in people’s newsfeed. Edge rank is the reason you see a lot of rubbish in your feed these days. Certain people and pages have edge rank factors that Facebook have decided are relevant to you.

So back to the original issue: Why do these pages exist?

Because there is money to be made from it.

Businesses worldwide are trying to figure out how to best utilise platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus (haha, na I’m just kidding about Google Plus). They know that Edge rank, likes, brand exposure and followers are important, even if they don’t know exactly why or what to do with it. But the problem is, building up these audiences and edge rank is a time consuming and often difficult task. And because of the time and effort required, this occurs.

The ‘my sister Mallory’ scam
This post stated that someones ‘sister’ Mallory has down syndrome & doesn’t think she’s beautiful. It then asks for ‘likes’  to show her she is beautiful.

The REAL story about this little girl is something much different: Read about it here 

So guys, now that you know, the best thing to do is help spread this information to stop these people from exploiting sick children's photos, religious image and legitimate posts that gives real encouragement.

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